
Human Rights Education

Organised visits enable children to be educated on a range of topics that are often taboo and can’t be spoken about within Malawian & Kenyan communities.

Through visits to Primary and Secondary Schools, Slums and Remand Centres we educate children and youth about a range of topics including Human Rights, child trafficking, bullying, peer pressure, puberty, reproduction, sexual harassment and rape. We also organise school holiday programs and activities making sure they have fun while learning about Human Rights.

These topics are taboo in Africa—parents and teachers may be unable to educate children due to cultural and religious beliefs and values. While respecting this, the team at Evie Grace believe it’s not only important, but vital to teach children about these topics as they are the most vulnerable in society.

We are able to ensure that these children do not remain uneducated on such important life topics, therefore reducing their susceptibility within their society.


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