
Fundraise for Us

Love our cause & purpose? Why not fundraise for us?

With the incredible support of individuals, organisations and community groups across Australia, Evie Grace Foundation is able to make a real difference to children and youths in Malawi & Kenya that are affected by poverty, trauma and lack of human rights. If you’d like to fundraise on behalf of Evie Grace, please let us know at info@eviegrace.org. 

In the following, you can find some fun ideas we brainstormed for you to help you in finding the right fundraising project. Just have a look! These are just suggestions – so feel free to get creative and share your ideas with us.

  • Auction–get goods donated and hold an auction 
  • Band night–get a local band to play and charge people an entry fee 
  • Bingo night–an oldie but a goodie 
  • Book sale–collect old books from everyone you know and sell them 
  • Car wash–get your friends together and have a fun day washing cars 
  • Casino night–card or games night 
  • Casual day–ask people at your work or school to pay to dress casually for a day 
  • Cold turkey–be sponsored to ‘give up’ something e.g. talking, driving, Facebook, television 
  • Competitions–be creative with fun competitions in the home, office or workshop e.g. who can throw a gold coin closest to the prize 
  • Crafts–if you have a talent, make something and sell it to others e.g. handbags, necklaces, etc 
  • Dinner party–ask your friends/family to come around for dinner and charge $20 p/head 
  • Dollar for dollar–ask your boss to match what you raise 
  • Fun run–join in a fun run and ask your friends to sponsor you 
  • Games afternoon–get your friends together for an afternoon of board games, egg and spoon races, or wheelbarrow races… use your imagination 
  • Garage sales–use your garage, shed or car boot to display your wares 
  • Head shave–get sponsored to shave or colour your hair 
  • In lieu–in place of a gift for any special occasion ask friends and family to donate 
  • Karaoke night–hold a night where people can sing along to all their favourite songs 
  • Luncheon–invite everyone in your workplace, school or friends and family to a grand lunch. Make healthy sandwiches and nibbles 
  • Movie night–ask for a donation and get friends together to watch a classic 
  • Office collection–stick a pot on your desk with notices telling people what you’re raising money for and remind your colleagues that it’s for a good cause 
  • Play DJ–throw a party and get people to pay for the privilege of playing music from their iPod 
  • Photo competition–get kids and adults to showcase their photography skills 
  • Quest–get your friends together and ask people to prepare and perform a talent 
  • Raffle–ask local businesses to donate prizes and run your own 
  • Retail therapy–ask people to sacrifice three items from their weekly shop and donate the funds instead 
  • Swear jar–stick a swear jar in your office, club rooms or home for any ‘slips of the tongue’ 
  • Talent quest–get your friends together and ask people to prepare and perform a talent 
  • Tea-party–tea is the new fashionable drink of choice, or so they say. Charge your friends to attend, and go all-out with the finger sandwiches and healthy snacks. Very civilised 
  • Trivia night–a great social gathering with facts and figures 
  • Treasure hunt–place prizes around your home or park and charge an admission to play 
  • Twister-a-thon–get sponsored to play an all-day game of Twister with your mates. People will donate more if you’re doing it in a public place—your embarrassment is always worth a donation 
  • University Challenge–get together with your old uni friends and have a challenge! 
  • Valentine’s Day Event–soft music, mirror-balls, largely heart-based decor… you get the idea. Sell tickets to the love-sick and desperate. Alternatively, hold an anti-Valentine party 
  • Waxing boys–get your sports team involved and get sponsored to wax your legs or chest 
  • Yoga classhost a yoga class and get attendees to make a donation

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