
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question for us? Our FAQs may help you in finding the right answer. If not, we’d love to hear from you!

What does Evie Grace Foundation do?

The Evie Grace Foundation partners with reputable not for profit organisations in Kenya and has a range of projects from supporting a street boys Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, teaching human rights education facilitating mentorship days for young girls and  making and distributing reusable menstrual pads. We also offer individualised volunteer programs for people wanting to experience an impactful and sustainable volunteer experience. 

How can I volunteer in Australia?

We are always looking for passionate and driven volunteers to join our team! If you would like to volunteer in Australia for the Evie Grace Foundation, please head to our Volunteer page and fill in the expression of interest form. You will receive an application form and be contacted by one of our friendly volunteers. 

Who started Evie Grace Foundation?

Our Founder is Maddi Kent, you can read some of her story on our Our Founder page. She loves hearing from people with their ideas so feel free to contact her at maddi@eviegrace.org.

How can I volunteer in Kenya?

We love having people join our programs in Kenya, in fact without volunteers none of the work we do would be possible. If you would like to volunteer in Kenya for the Evie Grace Foundation, please head to our Come to Kenya page and fill in the expression of interest form. You will receive a volunteer brochure, an application form and one of our friendly volunteers will be in touch.

where did the name evie grace come from?

The Evie Grace Foundation is named after the wonderful Evie Grace Ellen Anderson who left us late 2017. Evie and Maddi had big plans to change the world for children suffering unimaginable situations. Even though Evie is no longer with us, her memory and passion lives on through Evie Grace Foundation. Read more about Evie.

How can I find out about upcoming events?

Make sure you are following Evie Grace Foundation on Facebook and Instagram and regularly checking our Events page.

How can I donate?

You can donate by heading to our Donate page. Our major campaign currently is raising money to purchase land for our rescue and rehabilitation centre in Ngong. We have only 5 months to raise $150,000 USD, if you’d like to assist with this project specifically head over to the Fundraise for Land page.

How much of my donation will go to projects in Kenya?

100% of all donations go directly to our projects on the ground in Kenya. Our Founder runs the charity full time yet still works and earns and income to ensure all expenses are covered and the projects can be funded. We also have awesome volunteers that constantly organise events to raise money for our projects and of course our wonderful supporters who donate. We are always seeking partnerships and collaborations to assist financially.

How much does Evie Grace spend on employees?

Nothing! We are so proud that everything we do at Evie Grace Foundation is run by volunteers from social media to events as well as all our projects over in Kenya! 

Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes! All donations are tax deductible. Evie Grace Inc. is a registered charity with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission) as a PBI (Public Benevolent Institution) with DGR status (Deductible Gift Recipient) with the Australian Tax Office.

What is your response to charity starts at home?

This is a comment that we hear often and simply put Maddi’s answer is ‘Kenya is just as much my home as Australia’. She believes no child should be stigmatised or judged on where they were born and every child deserves their Human Rights. There is many amazing organisations and a lot of funding going towards helping Australian citizens and children and that is why she has decided to dedicate her efforts towards supporting Kenyan children.

How do i know my donations will reach the children in kenya?

We can guarantee that every single donation reaches the necessary project, not only do Australian charities have strict reporting requirements, the passion and sacrifice put into the Evie Grace Foundation is apparent through its achievements.


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